Welcome to Wilson Introduction
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We, Riley Ellis-Toddington – Math/Science, and Kelsey Huculak - LA/Social, have the pleasure of facilitating your child’s learning this school year as their teachers for the four core subjects! We have been teaching for a combined 35 years between the two of us and have both spent the majority of our careers at Wilson. We love teaching this amazing north side community. We look forward to a year full of adventure and many learning opportunities. We are going to do our best to make school, and our classrooms, feel as comfortable, as safe, as welcoming, and as positive as possible!
Riley has a student teacher, Connery Pateman, completing his internship for the first few months of the year. He will be teaching Science to 7A and 7B from September – December, 2024.
Working collaboratively will greatly influence your child’s success in our classrooms. We hope that there will be many opportunities for us to work together in order to create a successful learning experience for your child. Two-way communication with you is important to us.
Homework will only be a small part of your child’s learning in our classrooms. There will be a weekly expectation for your child to read for a minimum of two hours outside of class time. This is explained in the Language Arts booklet accompanying this letter. Homework amounts will be minimal, and will vary based on preparation for tests, completion of major assignments, completing practice questions to reinforce what is learned in class, as well as how much work is completed in class time. We believe in providing students with adequate amounts of time to complete projects and assignments in class in order for your child to feel supported and successful. With that being said, they need to be working hard and efficiently during this time provided. Grade 7 is a more academically-rigorous year than Grade 6 is.
Cell phones, smart watches, ear buds, and any other technological device are NOT allowed in the classroom whatsoever as per Government Ministerial Order and Lethbridge School Division policy. They must remain in student lockers from bell to bell. The only exception is a medical exemption that requires a doctor’s letter and a parent meeting with the child’s learning team. If you need to get a hold of your child during the day, please contact the office to do so. More details about this new policy are on the school and school division websites.
Please ensure that your child comes to school with all of the required items from the school supply list. If this is not feasible, please email us and we will ensure your child has all necessary items required for the school year. If you need more information on the school supply list, please contact one of us!
School attendance is a critical aspect that will contribute to your child’s success in grade seven. Students will be responsible for missed activities, assignments, and tests. Please access PowerSchool for all important assignments, deadlines, test dates, attendance, grades, and so on. This will be the main mode of communication in addition to email. We highly encourage the use of PowerSchool consistently this school year as a constant means of reporting of grades and feedback. If you have any questions about PowerSchool, like signing up, how to get notifications, navigating it, etc., contact the office at (403) 329-3144.
The school website and Facebook page will be the best method of gaining valuable communication on all school events, cafeteria, bussing, extra-curriculars, and other information. For LA and Social Studies, we will be utilizing Microsoft Teams for student work, notes, and resources from class, as well as a class website: https://mrshuculak.weebly.com/. For Science and Math, we will be using a class website to keep you up to date with deadlines, all major tests, quizzes, and projects. The science and math class website can be found via the school website or this address https://rileyellistoddingt.wixsite.com/mret.
Please fill out the accompanying “Let’s Get Acquainted” form as well as the Language Arts parent information package and have your child return them to their homeroom teacher. This will greatly impact communication and will help us best meet the needs of all of our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free leave us a message at the office at (403) 329-3144, or preferably, an email riley.ellistoddington@lethsd.ab.ca, kelsey.huculak@lethsd.ab.ca, and connery.pateman.ps@lethsd.ab.ca.
We look forward to what is sure to be a fantastic school year in Grade 7 and are so fortunate to have your child in our class! J
Mr. Riley Ellis-Toddington, Mrs. Kelsey Huculak, & Mr. Connery Pateman
If you are interested you can click in the link below to see what topics we will be covering this year in your child's classes.